The Space Between

Online Event
Hosted By
Shabeena Butt
6 Hours (with breaks)

Course Breakdown:


To provide you with tools to strengthen your mental fitness so you are able to navigate the challenges faced as you sit in the space between that moment you've entered uncertainty to the time you secure your new role

You Will Learn:

1.) Comfortably sit with the discomfort of uncertainty

2.) Regulate your stress levels

3.) Attend to your own internal dialogue

4.) Maintain your own self belief

5.) Strengthen your ability to return to a healthier mindset.

This Offering Is for:

1.) Those directly affected by layoffs

2.) Those supporting someone who is

3.) Those who just want to prepare for the unpredictability of life.


There is strength in community and so this training space also serves to bring people together  who want to  collectively navigate the challenges of this situation in the healthiest way giving people the opportunity to potentially create meaningful connections to continue outside of this experience.

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