Client Pathways
"Client Pathways" is where you uncover the approach I use, so we can work with intention and purpose to create solutions which work for you.
Who Are you?
Please Select the category which best describes you
Methodology for Individuals:
You can choose to listen to the audio while simultaneously following the stages of the process below.
1. Initial Analysis Call
The aim of this call is to understand your "AS IS" state by uncovering your challenges, the root cause of those challenges and how they show up. Next is to understand your "TO BE" state, focusing on the behaviour change you want to make.
2. Create Tailored Proposal
After understanding your challenges and desired result, I will create a proposal of the learning solution to help you overcome the discussed challenge/s.
4. The Learning Experience
Here is where I will teach you the core concept/s and experience the real word application of the concept with hands on practice.
3. Clarification call
In this call we will address any questions you have and refine the approach where needed to ensure alignment.
Methodology for Groups:
Follow the stages of the process below.
1. Initial Analysis Call
The aim of this call is to understand your "AS IS" state by uncovering your challenges, the root cause of those challenges and how they show up. Next is to understand your "TO BE" state, focusing on the behaviour change you want to make.
Listen for more details:
2. Create Tailored Proposal
Here is where I consolidate the information gathered from our initial call and create a proposal of the tailored learning experience which will overcome the groups challenges.
4. Designing the learning experience/s:
Using my learner - centerd approach, I will start to design the immersive, learning experience/s ensuring that it is meaningful, impactful and transferable so learners are able to apply the learning in their lives.
3. Clarification Call
In this call we will discuss my proposal, provide clarifications, make amendments to the proposal as needed and confirm our next steps.
5. Implement & Deliver the Experience
Rolling out the learning experience/s and executing on all plans.
6. Debrief & follow up call:
Our last step is where we will exchange feedback. I will share my observations and insights from the learning experience and ask you to offer me feedback so I can continue to create value to my customers and develop my craft.
A final note…
I started my professional life being taught the motto, "go slow to go fast". What this means is that if you take the time to build a solid foundation to build on top of, it will save you a lot of time in the long run.
To take the time to understand my customers key challenges and the context of those challenges is the foundation which then propels us forward toward meaningful and impactful outcomes.
You have a natural pull that enables people to come out their shell and actively participate in a conversation. There was not a single question of yours that was met with a silent audience, and that says something, especially in the virtual world. You enable people to see the version of themselves they aspire to be. Once they've seen how powerful that is, there is no going back - this is a gift that you possess, and it is a rarity." - Professional Services, South Africa