Company Philosophy

Learning as an experience means that learning is dynamic, holistic and immersive, which requires you to actively participate in  collecting new knowledge, skills, and understanding.
Following the 3 core principles below,  ensures all learning experiences are designed to be meaningful, relevant and impactful

exploring Experiences:

Leveraging combinations of psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Forum Theatre and gamification techniques, the learning experiences created are only limited by our imagination.

Below are just a few creations to help make experiences tangible:

  • Learning Retreats

  • Immersive Productions

  • Digital & Physical Experiences

  • Psychological & Sociological Experiences

  • Ecosystem Rotations

  • Community Programs

  • Challenges

  • Case Studies

  • Mentorship & Modelling

  • Focus Groups

A final note…

The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson. Don't give up in the middle. - Unknown.

Playing with Boundaries is built on the reminder that:
Your boundaries will change, need to be adjusted, expanded, moved, re- set and so:
Hold on to an explorer mindset.
Be curious.
Learn from your experiences.
Grow as a result of them...
And always make sure....
You have fun while doing it.

"The [learning experience name] is something really special. The whole concept and the way you have delivered it - it's a masterpiece.”
“Apart from everything I have learned - which was a lot - it was the community and it‘s spirit which made this series exceptional and precious to me. Shabeena somehow created a safe space where participants dared to share personal experiences and show up vulnerable. I sometimes forgot that I was in a company environment. The amount of trust and frankness that this learning experience created is massive."